Thursday, February 23, 2012

You might not want to try this yourself

     For an entire day – more than 100 miles – I drove at the speed limit.
     On the winding, 35-mph back roads near my home, through “downtown” Derry, N.H., on interstates 93 and 495 and down scenic Route 2 -- even where there is an absurdly dictated 25 mph approaching the Concord rotary -- I honored those speed limit signs, and all the way home, as well.
     Vehicles driven by ticked-off motorists lined up behind me on the two-lane highways, motorists swooshed around me on the interstates and I nearly ended up with someone else’s front grill in my back seat as I slowed for that rotary.
     For this speed queen, it was agony.
     And yet…
     There was something liberating about going more slowly. I felt more in control, less at the mercy of other motorists’ unpredictable or crazy maneuvers. More even. It was like letting go of all the striving, not caring if I was literally passed by.
     When I arrived at work, I felt more calm and receptive than I can remember feeling in a long time.
     It made me wonder if there weren’t some lessons to be learned for my off-road activities, as well.
     I may even try this again.
     Not to mention the improvement in my gas mileage

1 comment:

  1. You know, now I only drive the speed limit.. It makes me feel more centered... I don't care that someone passes me. NO EGO involved... I might arrive 1 minute behind the speed demon that flew past me. Who cares!
