Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Make a mind-blowing mousse

     Airy, tantalizing chocolate mousse. Love it. Never made it. Until now.
     Here is the recipe my friends loved:
n      Put one cup premium lamb and rice dog food in a bowl and set aside.
n      Break up six ounces of bittersweet chocolate and put in the top of a double boiler on low heat (or in a small pan on top of a steamer in a larger pan with gently boiling water) until it melts. (Keep checking so you don’t run out of water and wreck the pan.) Turn off heat when melted and let stand.
n      Beat one pint of heavy cream until voluptuous peaks form and set aside.
n      Now the hard part: Whip three to four egg whites into soft canyons and valleys. (Note: Make sure the egg whites are at room temperature before you start or, like me, you’ll find they don’t whip and you have to start all over.) Add two tablespoons of sugar just as peaks start to form and continue whipping until stiff (the egg whites, not you). You will face the same ethical dilemma I did regarding what to do with the unused egg yolks. I recommend cooking them and adding them to the waiting dog food.
n      Scrape the melted chocolate into a large mixing bowl and whisk in all the egg whites, then fold in the whipped cream.
n      Cover the mousse appreciatively and keep cool at least one hour before serving. Whipped cream and cute little chocolate curls can be added as garnish before serving.
n      In the meantime, feed the dog the dog food.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds a lot yummier and a lot sexier than the avocado chocolate mousse or the tofu chocolate mousse recipes people at my office gave me. I'll take voluptuous peaks, soft canyons and valleys and whipping until stiff over tofu anytime! Love it!
