Sunday, January 1, 2012

Starting the new year on a 'positive' note

     There are so many things I’m still a virgin to – climbing a 4,000-footer, camping in winter, singing at a karaoke bar – but for my first-ever blog post I thought I’d choose one of the more difficult things on my list: Not saying anything negative for an entire day.
     The morning was easy because I was in silence – sitting at a “meditate for peace” group gathering that has become an annual New Year’s Day tradition for me and a friend.
     But then came the first half of the Patriots game, where the Pats’ defense seemed to be altogether MIA, and I was feeling the after-effects of the previous night’s champagne and home-made eggnog and my intention became… challenged. It didn’t help that my dear friend Susan was urging that I exclude Jets coach Rex Ryan from my “no negativity” pledge as we got updates on that game.
     So… I tried my best to exclaim only at the positive Pats’ plays (thank you, Mr. Gronkowski) and, who knows? Maybe it helped them, too. Look at that 49-21 final score.
     Which reminds me of one of my favorite positive-thinking experiences, an event that  happened exactly 10 years ago today.
     I had gone to a small outbuilding on our property to write some New Year’s resolutions and do some thinking when Rick suddenly appeared, bearing a bouquet of flowers.
     That’s dumb, I thought to myself; they’re only going to freeze out here. But I told myself, don’t be a bitch. He’s trying to be sweet.
     Then he suggested we go outside and sit on a rug next to the vernal pool that was still flowing and I thought, it’s freezing out there; I don’t want to. But I told myself, don’t be a bitch. He’s being romantic.
     So we took the rug out to a log near the vernal pool on the first day of the new year, 2001… and Rick proposed.
     I’ve often wondered what would have happened if I HAD been a bitch and blurted out my first thoughts that morning.
     So glad my positivity rallied, like the Patriots’ defense.
     I won big time.
     Can your intention affect events? I don’t know. All I know is, it can – does – affect who you are and who you are becoming.
     And we’re always becoming, whatever age we are.


  1. Congrats Kathie - what a great idea! I follow several other blogs and your's will now be among them. Good luck - I can't wait to read about your adventures this year.

  2. Kathie,
    This is a great way to start a new year! Good for you. I'll certainly be following your blog. As for the power of positive thinking, I've made the move to Portsmouth and haven't looked back (except for the commute to Derry every weekday.)
