Wednesday, April 11, 2012

There must be some mistake…

     “Let me be the first to say ‘Happy Birthday’ as you approach your 65th birthday,” began a letter addressed to me.
     Wait. I’m turning 65? Oh, yea, I guess I am. In just a few months. It just doesn’t seem possible.
     It was my first solicitation from a broker interested in selling me products to supplement Medicare, and I’m told I can expect dozens more.
     I’m also told wading through the Medicare maze is not for the faint of heart. Two of the smartest women I know – a medical physicist and a retired high-ranking editor from the Boston Globe, both recently 65 – told me independently they were both flummoxed by the assortment and variety of plans proffered by would-be Medicare supplementers out there. I’m sure I’ll be getting many more such birthday greetings.
     As of now, I am employed full-time with full medical benefits but, as we all know, anything can happen at any time.
     So, if anyone has any advice on Medicare supplements, send it this way.
     Just don’t start by wishing me happy birthday, please.

1 comment:

  1. My husband is also turning 65 soon and has just finished an exhaustive search, asked many questions, pondered dozens of What Ifs. He has chosen the Tufts Medicare Advantage Plan, in part because he heard good things about the people who manage the plan. I do know, having worked in health care for 13 years, it's the people who count When the benefits are largely equal across the products. Good luck, birthday girl!
